

Leicester Lions team manager Jason Attwood moved a step closer to finalising his team for 2012 with the announcement of a double signing yesterday.

Returning for a second term at the club is Kauko Nieminen and at the same time Attwood has secured the signature of the highly rated Lasse Bjerre, one of the top performers in the British Premier League who has agreed to ride for Leicester next season.

Nieminen joined the Lions in July on loan from Elite League side the Lakeside Hammers and took over the captaincy from Richard Hall after his transfer to Scunthorpe. The thirty-two year old who retained his country’s National Individual Championship title in September was being courted by a number of clubs but decided to remain at Leicester where he has built up a large following.

Bjerre ended last year as the number one rider at Ipswich and his twelve points in the Premier League Fours’ Final at the Beaumont Park Stadium in October was a key performance for the Suffolk club who won the trophy for the first time.

“After a good year in Ipswich, I look forward to riding for Leicester. I have always been impressed by the track conditions, facilities and people around the club. It’s a nice place to visit. The track has given me great experiences and many race victories for Ipswich this season, it will be nice to ride there in every home match” said Lasse Bjerre about his new club.

The eighteen year old was first given his chance to ride in this country by King’s Lynn in 2010 and it turned out to be a successful time for Lasse who also helped Denmark to win a gold medal in the World Under-21 Team Cup Final. His inclusion in the team alongside Magnus Karlsson and Kauko Nieminen will give Leicester a powerful spearhead to front the quest for honours next season.

Jason Attwood is pleased with how the team is shaping up now that his inspirational captain Kauko Nieminen has accepted terms and along with the decision of Lasse Bjerre, also agreeing to ride for the Lions next season the Leicester team manager and had this to say: “Firstly I’d like to thank the Peterborough Panthers for their co-operation in allowing us to sign one of their assets who will also double up with the Panthers in the Elite League next year. When Peterborough suggested that we might be interested in talking to Lasse I was soon on the telephone to his father Ivan, who also acts as his son’s manager and I am pleased to say that we agreed personal terms pretty quickly. Lasse was one of many riders last season who went out of his way to compliment Leicester Speedway on the stadium facilities and was impressed with the level of support the team receives!

“Lasse will start the season as the Lions new number one rider as he comes in on an average of 7.80. He looked fast on his Beaumont Park debut back in July scoring 11 points from four rides and again when the Ipswich Witches lifted the Premier League Four’s trophy scoring 12 from 5 rides.

“On a similar level I would like to thank Jon Cook of the Lakeside Hammers for allowing us to do a deal with Kauko Nieminen for 2012. I was conscious of the fact that Lions fans were willing me to bring the Leicester captain back for a second term as he is a hugely popular figure. I don’t mind admitting that I had many sleepless nights during the negotiations to secure Kauko’s signature but I’m ecstatic that he will be returning to captain the side, as he did so successfully since joining the club back in July.

“I was aware that Kauko had received a very good offer from another Premier League club but after several days of non-stop negotiations he agreed to return to Beaumont Park. This now leaves me with 9.82 points for the remaining two places and with the five riders I have in place already for 2012 the team has a promising look about it and one that I am sure will encourage other riders to get in touch about the possibility of riding for Leicester”.

Leicester Speedway Supporters’ Club launched their winter 'Speedway Darts' League with an Individual meeting last night in the Speedway Bar at the Beaumont Park Stadium. The league fixtures start next Wednesday at 7.30pm and anyone wishing to play or enter a team can do so on the night.

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